30 Days to More Calm, Self-Care and a Mindfulness Practice That Works for You
Welcome to 30 Days to More Calm
Experience a course with Shirley Archer, your Wellness Sensei, an integrative health educator, embodied mindfulness expert and wellness visionary, gifted with the ability to see and experience the inter-relatedness of life.
Racing thoughts? Never enough time? Clear your mind now!
When I was a stressed NY attorney and someone told me I needed to meditate 45 minutes a day to feel better, I said, “Push me off the cliff now and end my suffering, because there’s NO WAY I’ll ever find time for that.” If you're tired of hearing, “If you don't sit on a cushion for long periods daily, you won't get results,” you're not alone.
You want to feel calm—get what you want and need to do finished—without all the stress. And, you’d also like some me-time, too. I understand.
You want to make time to add meditation in your life, but not feel like it's another impossible task on your always-growing to do list. You’re busy.
That's why I put together this online course. So you can incorporate at least 2 additional minutes of peaceful meditation into your day, without feeling overwhelm, and to understand how and why, cultivating a mindset of mindfulness and self-care is the beginning of transforming your every day life into one that boosts health and happiness. I’ve been working with people like you for over 25 years.
I don't want you to keep spinning your wheels, wanting to bring more calm and clarity into your life, but never finding a way…