March 03, 2022
Greetings friend,
You have been in my thoughts and in my prayers.
Welcome to the new launch of my newsletter, Tea Happy. I’d love to hear what you think!
We've also re-designed the website, making it easier to access the many free resources I offer to enhance calm, happiness, health and wealth. True wealth is a life filled with inner peace, joy, abundance and love, and a sense of meaning and satisfaction. My hope is to contribute to your true wealth.
To that end, I cannot help but be deeply impacted, like many of the world’s citizens, with the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.
While it’s important to be well-informed, I urge you to remember to take digital detox breaks. Self-care is particularly important during challenging times like these as it can be draining to sense the suffering of others.
Perhaps blend your concerns with whatever personal action you can take in whatever way feels best for you. You can donate to relief groups or you can simply include the people of Ukraine and those suffering in Russia, who have no control over what their government is doing, in your prayers. Practicing loving- kindness at times like these and offering compassion and support to those in need can be a powerful tool.
If you've been feeling more fatigued and frustrated or are feeling down because of lack of productivity, know you're in good company.
With added global stress, being hard on yourself is easy. Now's the perfect time for practicing self-compassion to feel better, improve your flow and move toward positivity.
The power to manifest individual optimal health truly lies within the heart of each of us. The key: love yourself.
~Shirley Archer
Thank you for joining me on the path to health and wellness.
And remember - Don't Worry, Tea Happy!