Shirley Archer: Integrative Health, Holistic Wellness, Rethinking health promotion

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If you've been feeling more fatigued and frustrated or are feeling down because of lack of productivity, know you're in good company.

With added pandemic stress, being hard on yourself is easy. Now's the perfect time for practicing self-compassion to feel better, improve your flow and move toward positivity.

Practice to strengthen your ability to be kind toward yourself. What steps can you take?

Recognize what you’re feeling

Reflect on what emotions are dominating your frame of mind. Is it sadness, anger, fear, happiness or boredom?

Once you identify your emotions, it may be easier to address them. "Name them to tame them."


Let yourself sit with what is. Instead of trying to push away negative feelings, judge your feelings as “right” or “wrong” or ignore your feelings, allow yourself to accept that you have negative feelings.

Notice how it feels. Pushing against negativity—or fighting against real emotions—can often make it worse.


Notice where you feel emotions in your body. Can you identify what’s causing them? This may be a good time to journal and explore what's going on.


Ask your inner wisdom what you need to feel better? More rest? A broader perspective? Some laughs? What would help you the most?


You are not alone and you are allowed to forgive/accept yourself. The good news is that you're human, similar to many other fellow humans.

If you still feel self-judgment creeping in, notice it and perhaps ask it to give you a break. Consider acknowledging that what you need most right now is simply support.

Be the support that you need.

Want to add another tool to your repertoire to strengthen your mindfulness “muscle?” Check out this free resource I created called the Come to Center Guided Journal. With this journal’s unique combination of mindfulness practices and journaling exercises, you can use it at any time to help you move through uncomfortable emotions and into ease.