The purpose of restorative yoga is to encourage deep relaxation: physically, mentally, and emotionally. It’s the total package of mind, body, and spirit. I believe anyone could benefit from restorative yoga. In this post, I’ll go over my top 5 favorite benefits and share with you how you can get started with restorative yoga.

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga

1. Finding Peace in the Midst of Uncertainty

Right now, in this pandemic, you may be experiencing a sense of uncertainty. There may be new obstacles with simple, everyday tasks that didn’t exist before, which can cause frustration, irritation, disappointment, and even anger. With restorative yoga, you can find relaxation in the midst of uncertainty.

2. Helps You Deal with Anxiety in Society

Whether you are dealing with anxiety or not, people around you are. People you encounter in the world are experiencing different levels of stress. This can be contagious, because we are social animals. Acknowledging and having a healthy way to deal with anxiety and stress outside of you can help improve your life.

3. Helps You Address the Anxiety

Given you, your friends, your neighbors, and your community are experiencing anxiety and stress, something needs to be done about it. It’s going to impact your life one way or another. Restorative yoga is a very specific tool you can use to address the world around you in a healthy way.

4. Creates Positive Change in Your Life

When we want to create a positive change and experience benefits from it, it’s important we do something small every day. Oftentimes, we decide we’re going to make big changes quickly. Even if you have the best intentions, it may be difficult to implement big changes. It’s more powerful to take 5 to 15 minutes every day to do something that positively affects your health.

5. Shifts Your Mindset to One that Prioritizes Self-Care

Time spent practicing restorative yoga isn’t wasted. We live in a society that emphasizes work and productivity. There can be feelings of guilt associated with taking time off, even if it’s a 15 minute break. But in reality, when you pause and take time to restore, refresh, and relax, you are mentally and physically revived. You become more productive and happier. The benefits go far beyond that 15 minute break.

Getting Started with Restorative Yoga

I encourage you to take a few minutes to watch and follow this introduction video to restorative yoga. I’ll be uploading more videos that feature different postures and poses, so make sure you’re subscribed to my YouTube channel (click here to subscribe)! You can find all the restorative yoga videos in this playlist.

Visit my YouTube channel to subscribe for more tips. Have you downloaded Your Path to Peace? Go from stressed and anxious to calm and at ease in 5 simple steps. If this post helped you, please share with friends now, by using the buttons below. Thanks!

Shirley Archer


Shirley Archer is a mindful health educator, award-winning trainer and best-selling author who helps busy women who want to look and feel younger, healthier, happier—naturally. Through blogs, articles, books and podcasts, she’s here to eliminate overwhelm and inspire women to bring more peace into their lives, so they can meet all their responsibilities and still make self-care a priority.

After working as a high-powered attorney in both New York City and Washington D.C., a bout with chronic fatigue syndrome inspired Shirley to dedicated herself to wellness and sharing better health with those around her. Since leaving Wall St., Shirley has authored 12 books on fitness and wellness, and has achieved certification in mindful modalities including yoga, Pilates and meditation. In addition to being an award-winning personal trainer, she is also a certified Spinning instructor and group fitness instructor.

When she’s not blissed out in zen, you can find Shirley hiking with her beloved German Shepherd, Cheyenne either in the Swiss Alps or in sunny California, speaking at fitness conferences worldwide, and being featured in various high-profile media including USA Today, Washington Post, Fitness, Shape and For Shirley’s latest musings on mindfulness, visit her site at

