Many feel the pain and suffering of those impacted by war in Ukraine. Navigating difficult emotions that arise is challenging. You may feel sadness, grief, anger, helplessness, frustration and even guilt. Many emotions can contribute to overwhelm.

One way to address these feelings and to “do” something (besides donating to organizations) is to offer compassion and equanimity through meditation. The practice of loving-kindness (compassion or metta) meditation comes to us through traditional Buddhist wisdom teachings. Another traditional meditation practice is equanimity—the ability to find calm amid chaos. This practice helps us to access that deep well of inner peace and calm while more challenging emotions flow through us.

These meditations are not new. They emerge from over 2,000 year old Buddhist wisdom teachings that have been passed down over generations as tools to cope with life’s difficulties.

How and why these ancient wisdom practices help you and promote peace.

I have identified 6 points to consider:

  1. The Buddha’s teachings are based on a belief that there is an inherent goodness within all beings—their ”buddha nature”.

  2. These teachings acknowledge: life is hard (the mucky swamp out of which the lotus blooms).

  3. Meditation for compassion and equanimity connect us with our inherent goodness and the gift of life, itself.

  4. These tools offer strength and courage to face life’s harsh realities with confidence that you are good enough, that you are doing your best to live in goodness. These tools support you in living in harmony with goodness for all beings.

  5. These teachings remind us to have compassion for ourselves, as well as others, who, too, face pain and hardship.

  6. As we calm our “inner wars”, we become able to spread more calm and inner peace. In this manner, we can expand peace outward—one heart at a time—to embrace global peace.


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Here’s a video where I discuss why I host weekly compassion and equanimity meditations for people whose lives are touched by the war in Ukraine.

Compassion & Equanimity for Ukraine Playlist

View the entire playlist of Meditations for Ukraine here:

Visit my YouTube channel to subscribe for more tips. Have you downloaded Your Path to Peace? Go from stressed and anxious to calm and at ease in 5 simple steps. If this post helped you, please share with friends now, by using the buttons below. Thanks!

Shirley Archer


Shirley Archer is a mindful health educator, award-winning trainer and best-selling author who helps busy women who want to look and feel younger, healthier, happier—naturally. Through blogs, articles, books and podcasts, she’s here to eliminate overwhelm and inspire women to bring more peace into their lives, so they can meet all their responsibilities and still make self-care a priority.

After working as a high-powered attorney in both New York City and Washington D.C., a bout with chronic fatigue syndrome inspired Shirley to dedicated herself to wellness and sharing better health with those around her. Since leaving Wall St., Shirley has authored 12 books on fitness and wellness, and has achieved certification in mindful modalities including yoga, Pilates and meditation. In addition to being an award-winning personal trainer, she is also a certified Spinning instructor and group fitness instructor.

When she’s not blissed out in zen, you can find Shirley hiking with her beloved German Shepherd, Cheyenne either in the Swiss Alps or in sunny California, speaking at fitness conferences worldwide, and being featured in various high-profile media including USA Today, Washington Post, Fitness, Shape and cnn.com. For Shirley’s latest musings on mindfulness, visit her site at www.shirleyarcher.com


