This post is the second in a mid-life women’s series. I’m a midlife woman, who’s worked in health and wellness for 30 plus years. I believe, unequivocally, that the health and wellness industry is not serving us.

My goal is to educate and empower midlife women on how to approach these wonderful years despite being ignored and dismissed. In America’s youth oriented society, respect and appreciation for us and UNDERSTANDING of our unique needs is lacking.

Let’s start with 3 main points to know about your health and wellness.

  1. Women are not small men! Additionally, you’re neither in your child-bearing years, nor are you an older adult. That’s what you’re NOT, so being treated as if you are is a major disservice and can be damaging.

  2. Trust your inner knowing. The medical community is lacking many answers for this life stage. The hormonal shifts you’re going through affect the mind, body—and soul.

  3. Your genetics and lifestyle matter. What you do now lays the foundation for your older age.

Here’s what I know from my own journey and from my years in the health and wellness industry.


No single solution optimizes your well-being. It needs to be a way of life and as you age, your health needs are constantly changing. Your heart and mind may still feel youthful but there are real hormonal and metabolic changes in the body that affect your nutritional, sleep and movement needs.


Before you can accomplish any lifestyle changes or impact your health in a meaningful way through nutrition or exercise, you need to calm and steady the mind. A mindfulness practice is essential for grounding, clearing out what you don’t need or want, and creating the space to realize what resonates as true for you regarding what you want and need from life. 

Stress leads to poor decisions and habitual behavior that gives you more of the same in life. If you want things to be different, this does require mental effort and conscious awareness. Calm, centered decision making is essential.

YOU ARE AMAZING! Wherever you are in your journey is exactly where you need to be to begin. Your beautiful body is the vehicle that has sustained your life and helped you to reach this age and your accomplishments today. 

Celebrate yourself! You are amazing.


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I’m a wellness visionary, integrative health educator and embodied mindfulness expert.

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NOW, that does not mean you cannot change things about yourself or want to improve yourself by losing some weight or improving your nutrition or making sleep an important priority so that you feel better. The invitation is to approach change from a place of self-love, appreciation for all that you have accomplished and empowerment that what you want more of in your life is absolutely possible. Once you attain that calm clarity, your inner wisdom can keep you on track.

What I want for you!

Question whether you are living to diet, exercise or to seek health. In other words, avoid living to diet….diet and exercise and sleep to LIVE a wonderful life. Many women are missing this point because of marketing messages that take away a sense of personal power. Consider integrating healthy lifestyle practices to enjoy a rich, full, satisfying and wondrous life.

This short experience on our beautiful planet is not worth missing by being constantly preoccupied with weight or appearance to meet society’s standards. Consider what brings you joy. Consider how you can live a full, satisfying, happy life that is meaningful and how your health can support that. Not vice versa.

My wish for you is to feel like you have the tools and resources to create that rich and satisfying life for yourself. Instead of your health being the focus of your day, consider having your beautiful LIFE to be your focus. 

How about optimizing your health and well-being to support your rich, fulfilling and meaningful life?

One easy way to begin optimizing your health and well-being is by subscribing to my newsletter Tea Happy. In it I share actionable, data-based tips on how to live your best life.

When you embody your power, you realize your potential!


Visit my YouTube channel to subscribe for more tips. Have you downloaded Your Path to Peace? Go from stressed and anxious to calm and at ease in 5 simple steps. If this post helped you, please share with friends now, by using the buttons below. Thanks!

Shirley Archer


Shirley Archer is a mindful health educator, award-winning trainer and best-selling author who helps busy women who want to look and feel younger, healthier, happier—naturally. Through blogs, articles, books and podcasts, she’s here to eliminate overwhelm and inspire women to bring more peace into their lives, so they can meet all their responsibilities and still make self-care a priority.

After working as a high-powered attorney in both New York City and Washington D.C., a bout with chronic fatigue syndrome inspired Shirley to dedicated herself to wellness and sharing better health with those around her. Since leaving Wall St., Shirley has authored 12 books on fitness and wellness, and has achieved certification in mindful modalities including yoga, Pilates and meditation. In addition to being an award-winning personal trainer, she is also a certified Spinning instructor and group fitness instructor.

When she’s not blissed out in zen, you can find Shirley hiking with her beloved German Shepherd, Cheyenne either in the Swiss Alps or in sunny California, speaking at fitness conferences worldwide, and being featured in various high-profile media including USA Today, Washington Post, Fitness, Shape and cnn.com. For Shirley’s latest musings on mindfulness, visit her site at www.shirleyarcher.com


